keadaan meleset bahasa Inggris
- keadaan: circumstance; circumstances; complexion;
- meleset: be wide of the mark; casted pearls before swine;
- meleset: be wide of the mark; casted pearls before swine; casting pearls before swine; falling wide of the mark; missed the mark; off the mark; amiss; miss; down; depression; depress; transgress; slip over;
- meleset sedetik: split-second
- menembak meleset: undershot
- pukulan meleset: glancing
- zaman meleset: great depression
- dugaan yang meleset: bad shot
- tak boleh meleset sedetikpun: split-second timing
- keadaan: circumstance; circumstances; complexion; condition; fettle; position; situation; state; state of affairs; the course of; do; going; proposition; repair; shape; stand; mood; humour; attribute; united
- zaman meleset di amerika syarikat: great depression in the united states
- keadaan-keadaan bersesuaian: corresponding states
- kemalaran keadaan kontinuitas keadaan: continuity of state
- dalam keadaan: in a state of; in shape; in
- induk keadaan: parent of a state